Sunday, October 17, 2010

Critique of an Image from CCP

Formally the main subject is dead center in the image with leading diagonal lines on both left and right sides- highlighting a super thin female figure in the center. Complimenting vertical lines repeat throughout the image- again accentuating the vertical figure in the center; all slightly slanted and pointing towards the weight scale and the bottom center of the image. Depth is created in a tiered system, going back farther into the image in steps, or layers. With a small figure followed by two larger ones. Emphasis is given to the figures in the very back of the image by their framing in the door way and light streaming in from behind them. The quality of light picks up both daylight from side windows and light bulbs from the side vanity; it is a warm and realistic feel. The ambient light gives a feeling of being in the same space- the camera disappears and brings us into the scene.

I am drawn to the parents in the background of the image, overseeing the weighing-in of their daughter. It gives the impression of grooming and planning a young girl for marriage or to be paraded like a trophy. There is special emphasis on the weight scale with it being in the center of the image with repeating vertical lines pointing towards it. Also all eyes and attention are focused on the scale as well. My eye immediately travels from the dark parents in the background, down towards the scale, upwards along the thin legs of the girl and back down again in the direction of her necklace. Also what grabs my attention is the all black clothing of the central figure. Her outfit looks appropriate for a funeral, making connections to the dark side of beauty and image as well as the health implications behind anorexia.

Ideas of body image, fitting in, bullying, materialism and media messages are common themes in Greenfield's work. Body image, fitting in, and the effects of main stream media come through in this image. The subject is the relationship between young women and how they perceive themselves in relation to contemporary fashion and beauty. It is about self esteem and how it is effected by outside elements such as peers, authority figures, culture and media. The mood of the image feels a bit ominous- like when things happen in slow motion. You know they are bad, but your not sure how to stop them from happening. The image addresses the need to change the current cultural obsession of narcissism and idealization of females.

I think the artist created this work to show the psychological shifters taking place that relate directly to the output of media, fashion and materialism in current culture. Images like this show small insights to personal moments- often regarded as normal- but are key to understanding how social influencers effect young girls. This idea relates directly to my current documentary project of looking at the personal space and possessions of a young girl and how they might give insight to how a person is shaped and what they are influenced by. I am looking at cultural influencers on a macro level, analyzing their meaning in order to gain insight on a transitional period in a young girls life.